About Me

I started writing early in life. Anything and everything. Crayon or pen, I still doodle til my heart's content.

The world of poetry opened up to me after a student teacher took over my beloved English class, temporarily replacing my favorite teacher. She had us create our own poetry binders in which we would write our own poems. I soon fell in love with poetry and the way words would roll off my tongue and onto the paper. I wish I could recall who that nameless teacher is, for I would surely thank her for opening the world of writing to me which helped me capture and understand my feelings through the years.

Every night, in order to fall asleep, I would create a love story in my mind and follow it through over several evenings until its conclusion. I think back now and regret not writing down any of those story ideas! I just recently completed my first novel. A story from beginning to end. I knew that the characters lived in my mind, but now, they are real on a written page. I just made my own reality.

I love learning more about the craft of writing and can most always be found taking one workshop or another.

I am a member of RWA, Greater Detroit RWA, PRO, FFnP, Celtic Hearts and Sisters in Crime.

When I'm not dreaming of my character's lives, I can be found in the IT field as a Project Manager where I'm continuously fed my voracious appetite of all things techy. I love tinkering with gadgets and have only had to reset my smartphone twice due to too much playing. (The fact that there is a corporate Verizon store in my office building is a major plus.)

I hope you will take the time to step into my magical world of shifters, guardians and matchmakers. The fireworks are extraordinary.

Thank you for visiting.
